Presenter Resources

Corporate (Purchased) Session Presenter Information

Q: Could you explain what each suggested "session format type" means?


Industry-Led Session
This session is a presentation given by a corporate client (at least one higher education institution required). A subject matter expert from your corporation is on hand to add to the discussion. Your client will demonstrate the benefits your company's solutions have had on campus, enabling them to speak to general benefits for other campuses. Q&A offers valuable interaction between the client/corporation and the audience.

Industry and Campus Panel
This session consists of a panel of three subject-matter experts (at least one institutional representative is required) and a moderator. The topic should address a hot topic of key interest to higher education; emerging trends; research; and strategies, technologies, and business offerings.


General Information for All Presenters

Q: Do I need to register to present?


As a presenter, you must register in order to present. Be sure to register by February 4 to get the early-bird rate. We also encourage you to book your hotel and travel early. Please visit our Hotel and Travel page for more information.


Q: How do I create or update my EDUCAUSE profile?


An EDUCAUSE Profile is required to be listed as a session presenter and for conference registration. Also, because your profile is displayed with your session in the online agenda, it is important to have your current title and institution/organization. Please also upload a professional headshot.

Need to create a profile?

  • Go to the Member Directory home page.
  • Click the "Create a Profile" link.
  • You'll be prompted to enter an email address first so the system can cross-check the database. If your email is not in the database, the next screen will direct you to "Create a Profile."
    • NOTE: Please wait until you receive an email indicating that your profile has been approved, then proceed with the steps under Have a Profile.
  • If you need assistance, please contact the Membership Team at [email protected] or 303-449-4430.

Have a profile?

  • Log in from the Member Directory home page.
  • If you have a profile, log in with the red Login button in the upper right corner of your screen.
    • If you have forgotten your username/password, you may reset both from the Login page.
  • Once logged in, Update Your Profile will display. Click this to update your bio, photo, visibility setting, and more.
    • Make sure that your visibility setting (found within Edit Primary Info) is not too restrictive. We recommend the option Visible only to authenticated EDUCAUSE members (with contact info).


Q: Could you explain what my "session format" means?


The following session formats were assigned through the proposal submission and selection process and are designed to set participant expectations when they attend a session:

Preconference Workshops
These will be held Monday afternoon, March 18, from 1:00 to 5:00 in Providence and are intended to provide attendees with significant assistance in addressing their needs and opportunities to navigate the learning horizons.

Standard Presentations
These sessions are 45 minutes long; presenters and panels are asked to allocate at least 10 to 15 minutes for Q&A with the audience. Standard presentations are opportunities to present in detail on a project.

Interactive Presentations
These sessions are opportunities to share topics of interest through an innovative, thought-provoking format that encourages audience participation and interaction. Participant feedback and response to issues will be encouraged throughout the session.

Panel Discussions
These sessions feature 2–4 dynamic presenters offering case studies about how their institutions have approached a shared topic, or they may feature presenters taking different and sometimes controversial perspectives on a topic. Examples may include the evolving role of the CIO, security, privacy and cloud, advancing IT innovation within budgetary constraints, or other critical issues in higher education. For all panel presentations, participant feedback and response will be encouraged.

Poster Sessions
A poster session demonstrates the use of an emerging technology or innovative practice for teaching and learning, typically in the early stages of development. Presenters may use a laptop, a poster, or both to demonstrate the unique features and functionality of the tool or program and to assist in providing a visual overview of the project. As attendees visit, presenters have the opportunity to discuss the poster topic with them; therefore, presenters should prepare a few introductory remarks to engage listeners in the subject.


Q: Is there a PowerPoint template I should use for my presentation?


EDUCAUSE provides an optional PowerPoint template for your convenience. The template is in 16:9 aspect ratio (widescreen).


Q: Do you have tips on delivering an effective, engaging presentation?


Yes! Please visit the Presenter Concierge page of our website for EDUCAUSE's new microlearning module series on "Presentation Best Practices." This series will help you create a "rock star" presentation by focusing on the practices adopted by the most effective speakers, presenters, and facilitators. Expect to spend approximately one hour with the entire six-part series. Each module is only about 10 minutes and will help you plan your time, materials, and interactive elements for maximum impact.


Q: How do I share my session resources, and should I include a copyright statement?


All presenters should share their presentation materials prior to the conference. Please upload all slides to the Speaker Portal using the following format for file names.

Please rename files to be uploaded with the session title and the resource type (examples: NameofSession_Slides.ppt and/or NameofSession_ Handout.pdf). If you password-protect a PDF document, please make sure to enable the file to be read by a screen reader. It is our goal to make our resources easily available to those who use adaptive and assistive technology to access files over the internet.

You may use this copyright statement on one of your first slides:
This presentation leaves copyright of the content to the presenter. Unless otherwise noted in the materials, uploaded content carries the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), which grants usage to the general public, with appropriate credit to the author.

Uploading a Resource or Document to a Session:

  1. Log in to the Speaker Portal and click on My Sessions tab.
  2. Click on the session title to which you would like to add resources.
  3. Navigate to the Manage Documents tab.
  4. Click on the Upload button.
  5. Click on the Choose File button.
  6. Find and select the document to upload.
  7. Select the file type.
  8. If the file type is not a PowerPoint or a video, please select Resources.
  9. Add a descriptive title for the document (see above for naming).
  10. Description: You may leave this blank, as it does not display anywhere.
  11. Comments: This is for your use only as well as content managers who will be able to view your comments.
  12. Click the green Upload button.
  13. Success! You did it! The status will say "pending"; however, it is automatically approved to your online session listing. (Please allow 12–24 hours for the next system sync.) To confirm the resource was uploaded, please visit your session listing on the NERCOMP online agenda.


Breakout Session Presenter Information

Q: How will my on-site room be set up?


All session meeting rooms (with the exception of poster sessions) will have theater-style seating. There will be a head table and chairs for presenters at the front of the room.


Q: How big is the room that I will present in and how many people can I expect at my session?


Session rooms vary in size and will hold anywhere from 80 to 250 people. The room assigned for your presentation will depend on your topic and format. We cannot anticipate how many people will attend your session; seating is first come, first served. (Preconference workshops are the exception.)


Q: Is there a floor plan for my session?


Yes, please click on a link below to view your meeting room's floor plan.

Preconference Seminar Rooms:


Q: Will I have access to audio/video equipment?


All of the session rooms (with the exception of poster sessions) will have the following standard AV:

  • LCD projector with HDMI capabilities and screen (16:9, widescreen format)
  • Microphones:
    • One wired microphone at lectern
    • One wireless lavalier
    • One additional wired table microphone for panels of three or more
    • Sound patch for computer audio to the room through house sound

Computers are NOT provided in meeting rooms. Please bring your own computer and before arriving please make sure it is equipped with a standard HDMI output and that you know how to use a projector with your computer.


Q: Will I have Internet access?


The following internet connections will be available:

  • Wireless access will be available for both presenters and attendees. The connection speed will be sufficient to access and navigate web pages and email.
  • One Ethernet connection will be provided for presenter use (cable dropped between lectern and table and requested to be long enough for use at either location).

Substantial bandwidth will be provided and should be sufficient for basic applications you wish to present. However, if you know that your presentation will require significant bandwidth and have concerns, please contact Sarah Reynolds.


Q: Will my session be evaluated?


Your audience will rate and comment on your session. On your last slide, as well as putting your contact details, encourage attendees to provide feedback by asking them to complete the presenter evaluation on the mobile app. We will send you your session ratings and comments within one month of the event. Highly rated presenters may be considered for other speaking opportunities with EDUCAUSE.


Poster Session Presenter Information

Q: What will my area look like?


Standard items provided for poster sessions:

  • 6-foot skirted table
  • Assembly supplies (push pins, scissors, tape)
  • Wireless access (no Ethernet connection)
  • Access to power for a presentation laptop or tablet (should you need it)

Complimentary items upon request (up to two of each):

  • Floor easels
  • 40" x 30" foam boards

Note: there will be no equipment security or storage available when you are not presenting—please keep valuable items with you at all times.


Q: Will I have internet access?


Wireless internet access will be provided in the foyer, which includes the poster session area.


Q: Do I have the option to ship or store my materials?


If you need to ship materials, it would be best to send materials to your hotel (labeled to your attention). Please work directly with the hotel for shipping instructions.


This page contains information and resources to assist you as a presenter at the NERCOMP Annual Conference. If you do not find an answer to your question, please contact us.