From Print Release Station to QR Code

Wednesday, March 16 | 1:00PM–1:20PM ET | Room 550
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Presentation or Panel Session

Seven years ago The New School set up touchscreen tablets on campus for students to release documents to our printers. When COVID-19 descended and our courses moved 100% online, we tested the use of Pharos’ QR codes as a touchless alternative—we ultimately decided to keep the touchscreens. Unfortunately, the touchscreen hardware failed when 12,000 students returned to campus after a year, so we had to rapidly implement the QR code solution. Learn how we set everything up in just a few weeks.


  • Marcus Longmuir

    Senior Director of Academic Technology, The New School

Resources & Downloads

  • Wed_From Print Release Station to QR Code_Presentation

    Updated on 9/1/2024