Put Me In, Coach: Leadership throughout One's Career

Wednesday, March 16, 2022 | 8:30AM–9:15AM ET | Room 552
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Presentation or Panel Session

Many organizations only invest in leadership training after someone gains a leadership role, and all too often they do so sparingly. How might we instead develop the capacity for our teams to lead from where they are? How can we expand the pipeline of new leaders? Especially as we seek to build more diverse and inclusive teams, how might our leadership needs match or differ from what we’ve been doing historically?


Join a dynamic and interactive session to explore these and other questions with members of NERCOMP’s Leadership Ecosystem planning team, who have spent the past few years facilitating conversations across these and a wide array of related topics.

Learning Objectives

  • Explore lessons from leadership, mentoring, sponsorship, and the array of considerations important to building a fulfilling career
  • Dialogue with community members on how they are navigating leadership challenges and opportunities
  • Consider how to apply these lessons to your own circumstances


  • Michael Cato

    Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer, Bowdoin College
  • Ray Frohlich

    Director of Client Services and IT Operations, Yale University
  • Fred Kass

    Associate CIO for IT Operations, Amherst College
  • Candace Sleeman

    Retired - NERCOMP Board of Trustees, NERCOMP
  • Stan Waddell

    Vice President & Chief Information Officer, Carnegie Mellon University