Using the EnCase Field Intelligence Model in Assisting with Forensics Examinations

Tuesday, April 21, 2009 | 4:15PM–5:15PM | International G (6th floor)
Session Type: Professional Development
Georgia State University has been using the EnCase Field Intelligence Model (forensics software and hardware tool sets) in adjudicating cyber-crime investigations and e-discovery requests for the past three years. If you are tasked with incident handling and response or find that e-discovery requests are increasing at your institution, solutions such as EnCase can greatly assist you in search and seizure, evidence handling, and working with law enforcement agencies and attorneys. This session will demonstrate the approach of using EnCase (or similar tool sets) through examining a "pseudo" cyber-crime case.


  • Nancy Chang

  • Tammy Loper

    Vice President, Information Technology & Security, The University of Tampa
  • William Monahan

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