Going Passwordless at Stanford

Wednesday, April 11, 2018 | 11:00AM–12:00PM ET | Maryland Ballroom D, Fifth Floor
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Interactive Presentation
In realizing our long-term vision of strong user authentication coupled with endpoint security posture enforcement at Stanford, we are now deploying the final component: client certificates that identify both the user and the device. We'll do a deep dive into the underlying systems, while highlighting lessons we learned along the five-year journey. Join us to hear this rare story of dramatically improving security and user experience simultaneously, and learn how you can replicate this success.

Outcomes: Understand the benefits of identity-aware, application layer endpoint security posture enforcement coupled with client certificate-based authentication * Learn how to architect the systems necessary to implement your own version of Stanford's MyDevices and device-specific user certificates * Explore the keys to a successful implementation along with the potential pitfalls


  • Michael Duff

    CISO and Chief Privacy Officer, Stanford University

Resources & Downloads

  • EDUCAUSE SPC Going Passwordless 11Apr2018

    19 MB, pdf - Updated on 9/5/2024