Secure Infrastructure for Research on CUI

Wednesday, April 11 | 9:15AM–10:15AM ET | Watertable Ballroom AB, Fifth Floor
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Interactive Presentation
The federal government is implementing a uniform security approach for protecting Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) in nonfederal systems and organizations. As a result, many research grants and contracts will include the requirement to handle research data as described in the NIST publication 800-171.We will discuss the details of the approach taken at UF, including how we structured our human resources, the workflow employed to manage compliance, and the information technology stack that was deployed to meet these new requirements.

Outcomes: Learn about CUI, the requirements for safeguarding it, and where to find more information * Learn how we generated leadership support for developing a secure environment for research using CUI and how the environment is designed * Understand the risk assessment process we used and the compliance requirements from the federal government


  • Avi Baumstein

    Cybersecurity Manager, University of Florida

Resources & Downloads

  • Educause SPC 2018 Secure Infrastructure for Reseach on CUI

    7 MB, pdf - Updated on 9/5/2024