Before and After: Strategies for Increasing Engagement During Cybersecurity Training

Tuesday, May 14 | 8:00AM–9:00AM CT | Zurich Ballroom BC, First Floor Event Centre
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Interactive Presentation
Cybersecurity training for employees and students is essential, but our users often see it as perfunctory, boring, or irrelevant. NC State's Office of Information Technology is increasing engagement during cybersecurity training sessions by incorporating storytelling, statistics, and active learning exercises while covering topics like phishing, two-factor authentication, and other essentials. We'll demonstrate before-and-after examples that show the shift from a straight lecture to an active training session and easy-to-implement tactics. You'll have the opportunity to do a minimakeover of your own materials.

Outcomes: Experience the difference between a high-engagement and low-engagement delivery through before/after examples * Transform your own trainings to engage learners by applying specific strategies shared


  • Louise Flinn

Resources & Downloads

  • Before After Strategies for increasing engagement during cybersecurity training

    Updated on 9/1/2024