Evolving the Art of Recruiting and Hiring in Information Security

Tuesday, May 14 | 8:00AM–9:00AM CT | Vevey 3, Second Floor Event Centre
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Panel Presentation
Do you face tough competition for talent? Are you trying to be inclusive in hiring practices? Building great teams through effective hiring practices is one of our most important responsibilities. This engaging panel session will build from five perspectives to provide a variety of actionable ideas to improve and optimize recruiting and hiring. Five schools come together in this panel to discuss their work to improve information security recruiting and hiring practices. We expect robust discussion and interaction, so bring your questions and challenges.

Outcomes: Explore how different goals drove different approaches * Learn techniques that can be immediately applied to recruiting and hiring practices * Engage panelists with your own hiring challenges and receive feedback and suggestions


  • Lanita Collette

    Acting CIO, The University of Arizona
  • Christian Hamer

    CISO, Harvard University
  • Brad Judy

    Information Security Officer, University of Colorado System
  • Helen Patton

    Cybersecurity Strategic Advisor, Cisco Systems, Inc.
  • Stefan Wahe

    CIO/IT Director UW-Madison College of Ag & Life Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Resources & Downloads

  • Art of Recruiting slide deck

    Updated on 8/31/2024
  • Hiring tips resources

    Updated on 8/31/2024