Thursday, May 26, 2022 | 12:00PM–1:00PM ET | Online
Member QuickTalk | Showcase Coffee Shop: The Digital versus Brick-and-Mortar Balancing Game (Sequel)
Back by popular demand! We’re hosting a sequel to the Showcase Coffee Shop: The Digital versus Brick-and-Mortar Balancing Game. This session will be an informal discussion in breakout rooms to investigate the balance between digital and physical work and learning spaces, moderated by community leaders and EDUCAUSE subject-matter experts.
Missed the first session? No problem! Jump in where you can, or review the recording and Padlet for extra credit.
QuickTalk Moderators
Associate Vice Provost of Digital Learning, The University of Arizona
Amy Lin
Director of The Teaching & Learning Centre, Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology -
Kathe Pelletier
Director, Teaching and Learning Program, EDUCAUSE
Additional Resources
"The Digital versus Brick-and-Mortar Balancing Game" showcase launched April 18 and explores the balance between physical and digital work and learning spaces.
To view the recording and Padlet discussion from the first QuickTalk, visit the original Showcase Coffee Shop page.
Resources & Downloads
Updated on 5/26/2022 -
Updated on 5/26/2022