Member QuickTalk | Four Reasons Hackers Like Higher Ed—and How to Protect Your Institution
Higher education has always been both a target and breeding ground for some of the world’s most elite hackers. There are several reasons for this: valuable data, including cutting-edge research and intellectual property, complex IT Infrastructure and user bases, a tendency toward an open and collaborative culture, and a higher than normal turnover rate for IT and cybersecurity staff. We will discuss several real-world examples and see demonstrations of common attack methods spawned by these truths.
QuickTalk Moderators
Communities Program Manager, EDUCAUSE
Keatron Evans
Principal Cybersecurity Advisor, Infosec, part of Cengage Group -
Joseph Potchanant
Director, Cybersecurity and Privacy Program, EDUCAUSE
Additional Resources
4 security awareness mistakes every higher ed IT leader should avoid | Education was the most hacked sector in 2022. Learn how to build an effective higher ed security awareness program—and which mistakes to avoid.
Seven Ways to Build an Impactful Higher Ed Security Awareness Program | Security awareness training is one of the most effective ways to combat cyberthreats. Following these principles can help create an effective program that lasts through times with high IT staff turnover.
Resources & Downloads
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Updated on 5/18/2023