Where's the Paper? Admissions Gone Paperless at Bowdoin and Wellesley

Wednesday, March 13 | 12:30PM–1:20PM | Room 553
Session Type: NC13

"Paperless admissions" has been in the vocabulary of many institutions and, while a few have accomplished this feat, many are struggling to achieve it. Borrowing from implementations undertaken at Bowdoin and Wellesley, we will discuss each college's approach to the project under aggressive timelines, the collaboration between IT and admissions, and the technologies involved (both colleges use NOLIJ). Special attention will be given to the factors that contributed to their success, from Wellesley's new focus on agile development and its creative use of various tools to deliver an integrated solution to Bowdoin's investment in business process analysis.


  • Ravi Ravishanker

    CIO & Associate Provost, Wellesley College

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