21st-Century Learning Spaces: Clearing Roadblocks and Gaining Advocates

Tuesday, March 28 | 4:30PM–5:20PM | Room 550
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Interactive Presentation
Over the past decade, there has been a great deal of innovative and creative work with respect to the design of classrooms and learning spaces. Yet for all that has been accomplished, roadblocks and challenges still persist. It can still be a struggle to get key campus stakeholders (such as buildings and grounds, the registrar, and the faculty) to "buy into" the need for a 21st-century approach to these facilities. In this discussion-based session, we will address these issues and seek to collectively discover ways that help clear these roadblocks and gain advocates.

Outcomes: Identify the key challenges and impediments to moving ahead with a 21st-century learning space agenda * Identify ways to meet those challenges * Learn what approaches have been effective at other institutions


  • Malcolm Brown

    Consultant, EDUCAUSE Alumni
  • Michael Jones

    Director, Language and Media Centers, Swarthmore College
  • TJ Kalaitzidis

    Instructional Designer, Brown University
  • Bill Koulopoulos