Access First! Igniting a Campus-Wide Universal Design Mindset

Wednesday, March 29, 2017 | 11:00AM–11:50AM | Room 554
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Standard Presentation
The Universal Design mindset goes beyond seeking accommodations for individual students and moves toward improving learning for all. Perhaps you have some great ideas on how your campus might improve UD (and if not, we'll provide you with more than a few). This session will explore principles of Universal Design for Instruction (UDI), methods for finding and cultivating campus partners who embrace these principles, building buy-in, and working around existing barriers to create a campus mindset that begins with access. The presented toolkit will offer a human-centered design approach to addressing issues that UD can help solve.

Outcomes: Learn about the UD mindset and how it can be used to enhance the learning environment on your campus * Create a UDI strategy for your campus * Access a toolkit of resources to assist in this process that includes information, training materials, design ideas, and additional resources


  • Erin DeSilva

    Associate Provost, Digital and Online Learning, Dartmouth College
  • Adam Nemeroff

    Asst Provost for Innovations in Learning, Teaching & Tech, Quinnipiac University

Resources & Downloads

  • Access First_slides_brainstorm_doc

    193 KB, pdf - Updated on 9/6/2024