Practical Cost Management for Amazon Web Services

Tuesday, March 28, 2017 | 11:30AM–12:20PM | Room 555
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Standard Presentation
As many campuses adopt cloud-based infrastructure services, cost management becomes an increasingly important operational concern. While general approaches are well publicized and many people have a conceptual notion of how to optimize costs, the day-to-day operational methods for tackling this subject are not as clear, and many organizations struggle with capturing potential savings. In this session, you will learn practical techniques for cost optimization in Amazon Web Services, which you will be able to apply to your environment immediately, using only AWS tools and Excel.

Outcomes: Understand pricing/charging models common in cloud infrastructure services, as well as high-level approaches to cost management * Analyze and review your AWS spending data to identify short- and long-term savings opportunities * Identify additional approaches for advanced cost management


  • Ryan Frazier

    Managing Director, Technology (HBS Online), Harvard Business School