Faculty-Appointed Committee Drives Success of Academic Technology Services

Tuesday, March 19 | 4:15PM–5:00PM ET | Room 551
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Interactive Presentation
Is your institution struggling to implement change in this ever-challenging budget environment? Have you made decisions that ultimately are unpopular with the faculty because they have had no say? In our panel discussion, members of Arcadia's Academic Technology Services Team along with a representative from the faculty-appointed Academic Technology Services Advisory Committee will discuss how they have been able to partner to make informed decisions that best serve the entire university community.

Outcomes: Explore options on incorporating faculty into technology decision making processes * Understand budget constraints and how they relate to the decision-making process * Identify areas where your institution could implement strategies similar to ours


  • Tim Belloff

    Director of Information Technology Support Services, Arcadia University
  • Valerie Green

    Associate Director of Digital Learning Services, Arcadia University
  • Matthew Pellegrini

    Manager of AV and Academic Technology, Arcadia University
  • Tori Waskiewicz

    Associate Director of Digital Learning Services, Arcadia University

Resources & Downloads

  • Faculty appointed committee drives success of Academic Technology Services Department Slides

    Updated on 8/31/2024