Sharing Curricular Landscape and Growing a Data-Informed Culture at U-M

Wednesday, March 20, 2019 | 8:30AM–9:15AM ET | Room 557
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Interactive Presentation
The academic nature of a higher education institution is reflected in the collective of student, faculty and staff outcomes in and beyond the curriculum. Important questions arise about how and what data to share with various communities. Who should have access, and to what level of detail? At the University of Michigan, we are responding to these questions by sharing aggregate views of the academic landscape via the Academic Reporting Tools (ART 2.0) service. By offering the U-M community uniform visualizations of data on courses, majors, and instructors, ART 2.0 fosters ongoing efforts to grow a sustainable community of practice around curricular information. Join us as we introduce the history, examine the current state, and share our vision for the future of academic data sharing at Michigan.

Outcomes: Learn how to spin up an ART 2.0–like service on your campus * Understand why U-M decided to show student data back to students * Explore the advantages (and limitations) of sharing SET, course, and major data * Examine multiple stakeholders involved in launching ART 2.0 and how to increase buy-in


  • Gus Evrard

    Professor of Physics and Astronomy, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
  • Amy Homkes-Hayes

    Managing Director, Online Programs and Digital Content, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Resources & Downloads

  • Sharing Curricular Landscape and Growing a DataInformed Culture at UM

    Updated on 1/13/2025