How New York Institute of Technology Modernized Their Data Infrastructure for Deeper Data Analysis
The New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) wanted to quickly evolve its infrastructure so it could make data more accessible to the institution. It had strategic questions around financial aid and recruitment to answer but lacked the data infrastructure and technology to do so. After moving from on-premises to the cloud, and investing in data science expertise, it was able to take a deep dive into its data to answer strategic questions like: Are we recruiting students most likely to be successful at our institution? Are we optimally awarding our financial aid to maximize yield and retention? How does unmet financial need impact student retention? How do I modify my financial aid leveraging strategy to maximize yield? In this session, Becky Frieden, senior director of Enterprise Applications and Decision Support Systems, will share NYIT’s analytics journey, including how and why it sought to modernize its data infrastructure, the process for securing buy-in and support across the institution, the importance of having easily accessible data, and the critical role of building a culture of trust in that data.
Senior Director of Enterprise Applications and Decision Support Systems, New York Institute of Technology