Everyone's a Target: How America Lost Control of the National Security Agency, and Can It Be Reined In? - Sponsored by Aegis Identity Software

Tuesday, May 05 | 9:00AM–10:00AM | Minneapolis Grand Ballroom Salon D, Third Floor
Session Type: Professional Development
Last summer, James Bamford spent three days hanging out in Moscow with Edward Snowden, the most wanted man in America, for a cover story for Wired magazine. The author of three best-selling books on the NSA and, as a long profile in The New Yorker called him, "The NSA's chief chronicler," he was also one of the few people granted unlimited access to Snowden's stolen documents. In his keynote address at the EDUCAUSE Security Professionals Conference, he will discuss his time with Snowden and take a close look at the agency and how it went out of control. From secretly collecting everyone's telephone data (and storing it for years) on the theory that everyone who can pick up a phone is a possible criminal, to bugging the personal cell phones of friendly allied leaders, to keeping track of visits to porn sites of innocent Americans in order to secretly destroy their reputations, the NSA has gone far beyond what anyone could have imagined. The question is, can such a secret and powerful agency ever be reined in?


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