Different Boats for Different Folks: Tales of Security Awareness Follies and Successes

Wednesday, April 11 | 9:15AM–10:15AM ET | Baltimore Ballroom B, Fifth Floor
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Interactive Presentation
Do our ideas always work out? Why do some boats sink while others float? Laugh and cringe with members of the HEISC Awareness and Training Working Group as they reveal the windy sails and shipwrecks of their security awareness campaigns. Pick up ideas of what to do and what not to do. Have an idea you'd like to try on your campus? Share ideas with the panel (and attendees) to get their feedback.

Outcomes: Explore successful security awareness strategies * Explore what makes a security awareness campaign successful * Understand why a security awareness campaign falls short


  • Christina Bonds

    Application Developer, Elon University
  • Emily Harris

    Director of Cybersecurity, Marist College
  • Sandy Silk

    Director, IT Security Education & Consulting, Harvard University
  • Ben Woelk

    Governance, Awareness, and Training Manager, Rochester Institute of Technology

Resources & Downloads

  • EDUCAUSEDifferentBoatsSlides

    1 MB, pdf - Updated on 9/5/2024