Stormy Waters in a Dinghy: How Smaller Colleges Can Support InfoSec

Wednesday, April 11 | 1:00PM–2:00PM ET | Maryland Ballroom E, Fifth Floor
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Interactive Presentation
Small colleges face the same growing security threats that larger colleges do, but often have few (or no) IT security staff and very limited budgets. Learn how four small schools are tackling this challenge, from creative sourcing of security solutions, to outsourced or consortial CISO staff, to use of paraprofessionals, and, in some cases, by doing without and "battening down the hatches." This session will present both our schools' general experiences, as well as several key principles we recommend to other small institutions navigating security's rough seas.

Outcomes: Understand common, shared challenges across small colleges' delivery of information security solutions * Get innovative ideas that you can implement at your own campus * Develop relationships with peer information security professionals at other small or resource-constrained campuses


  • Kevin Davis

    Chief Information Officer, Davidson College
  • Sean Hagan

    Chief Information Security Officer, Michigan Technological University
  • Bill Thompson

    Director Digital Infrastructure, Lafayette College