Cybersecurity Woke: Effecting Positive Change Through Outreach and Education

Wednesday, May 15 | 9:15AM–10:15AM CT | Zurich Ballroom BC, First Floor Event Centre
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Moderated Discussion
Cybersecurity awareness training is important, of course, but getting people to care and actually change behavior is difficult. We will discuss two recently initiatives that helped motivate students and staff and effected positive cyberchange on campus. We'll also provide practical tips on how to bring in partners and effectively communicate program ideas and initiatives to garner buy-in and support. The panel will also discuss current free cybereducation tools and programs that IT administrators can start using today to help staff and students become more "cyberwoke."

Outcomes: Understand why creating cybereducation programming can help reduce risk and promote engagement * Identify how to effectively build partnerships that support cybereducation programming and communicate with key stakeholders * Obtain resources that can help promote staff and student cyberawareness


  • Stephen Cobb

    Senior Security Researcher, ESET
  • Kelvin Coleman

    Executive Director, The National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA)
  • Robert Jorgensen

    Cybersecurity Program Director/Assistant Professor, Utah Valley University
  • Bob Turner

    CISO, The Pennsylvania State University