Women in Information Security: Where Are They?

Tuesday, May 14 | 1:00PM–2:00PM CT | Vevey 3, Second Floor Event Centre
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Interactive Presentation
We all know that biases, barriers and cultural norms affect recruiting and retaining women in Information Security. Change has to happen to create an inclusive community of practice. Using their own experiences as a basis, two women share their perceptions of what we all need to do to support and encourage women to choose a career in Information Security. Learn about common barriers and explore strategies that any Information Security professional can use to respectfully initiate beneficial cultural change.

Outcomes: Identify challenges that may impact women in information security at your institution * Describe how these challenges to women can affect your institution * Discuss possible strategies to overcome those challenges


  • Sarah Braun

    Information Security Officer and Associate Director for Information Risk and Compliance, University of Colorado System
  • Laura Heilman

    IT Security Professional, University of Georgia

Resources & Downloads

  • Women In Information Security Where Are They Resources

    Updated on 7/26/2024
  • Women In Information Security Where Are They Slides

    Updated on 7/26/2024
  • Women In Information Security Where Are They Handout

    Updated on 7/26/2024