Tuesday, December 11 | 1:00PM–2:00PM ET | Online

Ambassador Discussions | The Inside Scoop Series: Professional Learning

As a special benefit of the EDUCAUSE Ambassador Program, Ambassadors are invited to participate in periodic calls with EDUCAUSE programs and services teams to get their questions answered and learn more about our offerings.

In this previously recorded discussion, Eden Dahlstrom, vice president of professional learning, covers the EDUCAUSE Professional Learning portfolio to help ambassadors understand the EDUCAUSE member benefits designed to:

  • Keep IT professionals up-to-date on the latest trends and challenges poised to impact higher education
  • Strengthen the leadership pipeline
  • Build professional networks
  • Foster career advancement

Topics Covered

  • What activities, experiences, and events are offered by EDUCAUSE that support our community’s learning and career development needs?
  • What professional learning opportunities will be offered in 2019, and how can the community access them?
  • What are the EDUCAUSE strategic priorities in regards to professional learning?


  • Eden Dahlstrom

    Vice President, EDUCAUSE

Resources & Downloads

  • Slides

    7 MB, pptx - Updated on 1/27/2024
  • Recording

    Updated on 1/27/2024