Learn from Your Peers: Panel Discussion on Disaster Recovery

Tuesday, September 20, 2016 | 1:10PM–2:10PM
Session Type: Professional Development

Institutions and IT organizations must prepare for the unexpected. A failure to respond and recover from equipment outages, third-party service provider failures, and natural disasters can negatively impact an institution's ability to achieve its core mission. This session will provide a brief introduction to the importance of business continuity and disaster recovery planning in higher education. Then, three CISOs will share their stories about a campus disaster and how they recovered from it. Through a panel Q&A session, they will offer strategies, tools, and lessons learned to help you improve your contingency planning efforts. Listen to an earlier talk by Jack Suess on the importance of resilience in enterprise-level contingency planning: https://vimeo.com/educause/p2ay2g0cze0 Outcomes: Understand why business continuity and disaster recovery are important to the institution * Discover which campus departments should be included in enterprise-wide contingency planning efforts * Understand how institutions have responded to past disasters * Identify contingency planning tips, techniques, and tools


  • Jane Drews

    CISO, The University of Iowa
  • Hunter Ely

    Higher Education Strategist, Armis
  • Randy Marchany

    University IT Security Officer, Virginia Tech
  • Jack Suess

    Vice President of IT & CIO, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Resources & Downloads

Presentation Slides (PDF) - Part 1
18 KB, PDF
Uploaded on 09/21/2016
