Learn from Your Peers: Panel Discussion on Disaster Recovery

Tuesday, September 20, 2016 | 1:30PM–2:10PM
Session Type: Professional Development
What would you do in an emergency situation on your campus? Do you exhibit grace under fire or are you more of a Chicken Little? Three CISOs will share their stories about a campus disaster and how their campus recovered from the disaster. They will share strategies, tools, and lessons learned to help you improve your contingency planning efforts.

OUTCOMES: Understand how institutions have responded to past disasters * Identify contingency planning tips, techniques, and tools


  • Jane Drews

    CISO, The University of Iowa
  • Hunter Ely

    Higher Education Strategist, Armis
  • Randy Marchany

    University IT Security Officer, Virginia Tech
  • Jack Suess

    Vice President of IT & CIO, University of Maryland, Baltimore County