Monday, December 09, 2024 | 1:00PM–2:00PM ET | Online

Showcase Webinar | Adapting to the Future

Higher education leaders must learn how to adapt more rapidly to change, opportunities, and crises. To do so, they must go beyond spearheading the institutional response to events. They must develop the institutional community's ability to anticipate and prepare for a broad range of possible futures.

In this session, you’ll hear from institutional and industry experts to consider how institutions can cultivate institutional agility through the lens of technology as a driver for, and solution to, change. Bring your questions and ideas!


  • Consider how different institutions enable institutional agility through cross-campus collaboration and uniting behind a guiding principle.
  • Learn about strategies for engineering innovation into institutional processes.
  • Discuss lessons learned for speeding up planning and development governance.
  • Consider techniques for rationalizing services, including stopping projects that do not serve a compelling purpose in favor of freeing up resources for priority work.

Additional Resources

For more resources, see the Adapting to the Future Showcase.


  • Kyle Bowen

    Deputy CIO, Arizona State University
  • Chris Bradney

    Director, Strategic Technology Initiatives, California State University, San Bernardino
  • Hernan Londono

    Chief Technology and Innovation Strategist, Lenovo
  • Sophie White

    Content Marketing and Program Manager, EDUCAUSE

Resources & Downloads

  • Recording

    Updated on 12/9/2024

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