Using FLEXspace to Streamline Learning Space Design and Renovation

Wednesday, October 01, 2014 | 9:00AM–9:50AM | Meeting Room W303
Session Type: Professional Development

FLEXspace (the Flexible Learning Environments eXchange) is now available as a production environment to enable faculty, technology integrators, and facilities designers to openly share media-rich examples of innovative learning spaces and best practices.

OUTCOMES: Acquire actionable knowledge about the production version of FLEXspace and its mission as a shared resource * Get specific details on the taxonomies that describe attributes for pedagogy, technology, and facilities * Learn about next steps, the project team's direction, and integration with LSRS


  • James Frazee

    Vice President & Chief Information Officer, San Diego State University
  • Megan Marler

    Director of Strategic Services, Artstor
  • Joseph Moreau

    Executive Consultant, Higher Digital, Inc.
  • Lisa Stephens

    Asst. Dean - UB Engineering, and Sr. Strategist, SUNY Academic Innovation (Ret.), SUNY System Administration

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