Toward a Taxonomy of Higher Education IT Infrastructure

Tuesday, October 22, 2024 | 8:00AM–8:45AM CT | Meeting Room 205, Second Level
Session Type: Breakout Session

In this session, we will attempt to build a framework for categorizing the different types and delivery methods of IT infrastructure across higher education. This will be a test case for developing a larger framework for identifying the different types of IT organizations in higher education.

Attendees will break into small groups and brainstorm on the different categories of both infrastructure components (servers, switches, cabling, and so forth) and delivery methods (on-prem, cloud-hosted, subscription, capital, and so forth). The facilitators will then work to determine overall trends of classification. Will this classification allow us to identify types of organizations? Do certain types of structures appear more often at certain types of institutions? The explorations from this session will be the basis of further research and articles on this topic.

Please come to this session prepared to think about the bigger abstract issues of how your technology infrastructure is organized, and the categories that make sense to you when you describe your service delivery to your institutional peers and leaders.



  • Mike Richichi

    Chief Information Officer, Western New England University
  • Beth Schaefer

    COO/DCIO, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee