Can We Do It? Making It Work in the New World; or, Managing Increased Complexity at the Organizational Level in the Real World - Sponsored by HP, Gold Partner

Friday, June 03, 2011 | 11:30AM–1:00PM | Grand Ballroom Salons D & E
Session Type: Professional Development
Throughout the conference, you have learned about the many ways that higher education IT is grappling with the competing challenges of greater demand and reduced budgets. Join this session to hear stories from three campuses on how they delivered specific initiatives, driven by campus need, to overcome significant challenges in new and innovative ways through organizational cooperation and collaboration. Panelists will talk about what they "got right" and what they would do differently next time. Bring your own experiences to this lively session as we ferret out valuable lessons to take back to our own campuses.


  • Kathy Gates

    CIO, EMERITA, University of Mississippi
  • Bob Johnson

    Private Consultant, RMJ Consulting
  • Sandy Schaeffer

    Online Curriculum Renewal Leader, The University of Memphis

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