Use the Tools: How Two Libraries Used Their Course Management System to Provide Point-of-Need Service to Students

Wednesday, May 30, 2012 | 5:45PM–6:30PM | Grand Ballroom Salons A/B
Session Type: Professional Development
Libraries can no longer reach the majority of their students using traditional methods such as library instruction classes and reference desk interviews; however, students still need help with finding appropriate research for their assignments. To aid students at their point of need, two libraries collaborated with their IT departments to embed library modules in their institutions' course management systems. The schools' librarians will discuss their unique approaches to providing library resources to students within their individual class sites, the challenges involved in doing so, and their successes


  • Nicole Harris

    E-Learning Applications Developer, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
  • Somaly Kim Wu

    Head of Library Technology & Innovation, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
  • Lisa Nickel

    Associate Dean for Research and Public Services, The College of William & Mary

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