
Course Activity and Digital Badge

Each registered participant will develop one activity that employs various concepts and strategies introduced in the course. Participants will be asked to complete assignments between the course segments that support the learning objectives and will receive feedback and constructive critique from the facilitators on how to improve and shape their work. Participants who successfully complete the entire activity will receive an EDUCAUSE digital badge recognizing their accomplishment.

Schedule and Activities

Session 1: Defining Student Experience and Why It Matters

Wednesday, August 7, 2019, 1:00–2:30 p.m. ET

During this session we will outline the objectives, structure, and expectations for the course. We will define student experience and then review core components such as personas, student journeys, and touchpoints along the students' journeys. We’ll also provide context as to what’s changing the student experience, what the common challenges are, and why this all matters. Along the way we'll pause for polls and discussions to understand participant goals and how they define experience on their campus, and we'll complement presentation with studio-based pedagogy in which in-class work time is used for participants to learn from other and surface questions to discuss and answer in real time.

Assignment between Sessions:

Between Sessions 1 and 2, participants will complete a worksheet that enables them to relate and apply the concepts from Session 1 to their institution--for instance, how do they segment/categorize/understand their students, and how do they define steps in the student journey and touchpoints among the services, spaces, and systems students interact with?

Session 2: Assessing Your Student Experience

Wednesday, August 14, 2019, 1:00–2:30 p.m. ET

During the second session, we will cover assessment methods and tools including surveys, data mining, and qualitative research methods using stories of assessment in practice. Then we'll review the pros, cons, and considerations of different methods. Along the way we'll pause for polls and discussions to relate assessment tools and methods to participants' institutions, using the same mix of presentation and studio-based pedagogy.

Assignment between Sessions:

Between Sessions 2 and 3, participants will complete a worksheet that enables them to apply the assessment tools from Session 1 to evaluating the student experience on their campus. They'll either create or pick a persona provided by brightspot to focus their thinking; reflect on existing data and/or gather new data (i.e., interview students); and then identify a pain point and potential ways to address it.

Session 3: Acting on Your Assessment

Wednesday, August 21, 2019, 1:00–2:30 p.m. ET

During the third session, we'll share stories that provide examples for a "menu" of different ways in which participants can act on their (preliminary) assessment, including a range of domains such as spaces, student services, technology, organizational structure, and business processes, as well as a range of scales from a service to a school to a campus. Along the way we'll pause for polls and discussions to relate the menu to participants' institutions, using the same mix of presentation and studio-based pedagogy.

Assignment After Session:

After Session 3, participants will revise their worksheet(s) so that they complete the course with a roadmap for what they need to do next--individually and collaboratively--to understand and improve the student experience at their institution.