Learning Experience

The Learning Lab experience is supported by both asynchronous and synchronous components. Each of the two Learning Cycles includes a set of resources, an asynchronous discussion, and an interactive live session, all of which culminate in the development of a project or application to apply learning to local and specific contexts in support of the learning objectives.


Welcome Session

August 7, 2023, 3:00–4:00 p.m. ET

This is a live session to learn the details of the Learning Lab, the Canvas site, and expectations for the microcredential. There will also be time to get to know your fellow Lab partners and facilitator.

Learning Cycle 1 | Grassroots Leadership

August 9, 2023, 3:00–4:30 p.m. ET

Rooted in an understanding of how their roles support organizational success, leaders influence change through trust, collaboration, and clear communication. These leaders collaborate effectively across the institution, generate excitement through stories of success, and cultivate trust through transparent reflections on unsuccessful endeavors. In this learning cycle, you’ll reflect on how your role and work in analytics connects to your institution’s mission. Then you’ll start to consider how you can influence the use of analytics throughout your organization.

Learning Cycle 2 | Analytics Leadership

August 16, 2023, 3:00–4:30 p.m. ET

Institutional leaders rely on diverse data sources to drive strategic planning and student success initiatives. Coordinated use of these data requires engagement from leaders across the institution, including business, information technology, and institutional research units. In this learning cycle, you will identify key analytics stakeholders and learn how to build partnerships for collaboration throughout your institution by reflecting upon your results from completing the EDUCAUSE Analytics Institutional Self-Assessment.

Review & Reflect Session

August 23, 2023, 3:00–4:30 p.m. ET

The Learning Lab will conclude with an application or implementation project (described below) and a closing live session to review and process the learning from the lab.

Lab Implementation Project

Using the results of the Analytics Institutional Self-Assessment, you’ll draft an initial, high-level plan for moving analytics work of any scope and focus forward from your position in your organization. Based on a templated roadmap, your plan will include strategies for including appropriate stakeholders and collaborating on important next steps.