The Flipped Classroom
Beyond the Flipped Classroom: Using Problem-Based Learning to Teach Millennials at the JMP
Jessie Heminway, Business Analyst/Curriculum & Technology Integration Specialist, University of California, Berkeley
Students don't need to come to class to obtain information. Information is readily available and ubiquitous. So how do we keep students engaged and the classroom relevant? At the UC Berkeley–UCSF Joint Medical Program (JMP) the answer is problem-based learning (PBL). Through a progressive disclosure of information, role-playing, simulations and instant availability of information students teach each other the foundations of medical sciences. They not only learn the material, they learn to think deeply and creatively, solve problems, work in teams, integrate new knowledge into complex systems, and retrieve and synthesize information as doctors. And they love it.
OUTCOMES: Learn the UC Berkeley- UCSF Joint Medical Program method of delivering PBL in order to teach students how to work in teams and think like doctors, * Learn how PBL increases engagement in the classroom and promotes lifelong learning, * Learn how the Y Generation or Millennials are uniquely served by the intersection of the PBL model and current technologies.
A Math Class Flips over Blended, Team-Based Learning
Abby Grace Drake, Assistant Professor, Biology, Skidmore College
Kelly M. Dempsey, Lead Instructional Technologist, Skidmore College
Math 100, a remedial class at Skidmore College, traditionally has been taught using a lecture-style format. With the assistance of Academic Technologies, the course was redesigned using elements of team-based learning extended to blend with a flipped classroom approach. All of the lectures were prerecorded and posted, and student preparedness was ensured using individual and team readiness assessment tests (iRATs and tRATs). After receiving an interactive lecture, the students would immerse themselves in team applications. Come hear how this innovative approach freed students from their math anxiety by creating a class atmosphere of empowerment and enthusiasm.
OUTCOMES: Learn how to capture lecture video using Surface Pro and Ink2Go * Learn how to use RATs to ensure that students complete preclass work * Learn how to leverage successful teams to increase student enthusiasm and engagement