Building Together: The Consortium-Based NGDLE - Sponsored by CloudEnablers

Wednesday, January 31, 2018 | 9:30AM–10:15AM CT | Grand Ballroom - Acadia, Third Floor
Session Type: Featured Session
Delivery Format: Featured Session
The 11 member universities of the Unizin Consortium are committed to building next generation digital learning environments (NGDLE) on our campuses. These NGDLEs are built and branded to meet the unique needs of each institution but powered jointly by Unizin tools and services. This presentation will review the rationale and history of the consortium effort, including case studies from Oregon State University, University of Iowa, The Ohio State University, and University of Minnesota.

Outcomes: Be able to differentiate among the tactical tools needed to build a NGDLE foundation * Assess the value of developing the NGDLE individually or in collaboration with others on your campus * Enhance your professional network with peers as you move to develop a NGDLE


  • Donalee Attardo

    Senior Director, Academic Technology, University of Minnesota
  • Liv Gjestvang

    Vice President & CIO, Denison University
  • Maggie Jesse

    Executive Director, ITS Office of Teaching, Learning & Technology, The University of Iowa
  • Dave King King

    Professor Emeritus/Associate Provost (retired), Oregon State University

Resources & Downloads

  • Unizin NGDLE 2018 ELI

    12 MB, pptx - Updated on 9/5/2024