ELI 2018 Leadership Seminar

The ELI Leadership Seminar, Lead From Where You Are: 4 Proven Strategies to Unleash the Leader Inside You, is designed as an extended learning opportunity threaded throughout the annual meeting program. This highly interactive seminar will engage participants in a series of experiential leadership scenarios that give each participant a new awareness for how to influence others and become a more consistent and effective leader. Through the seminar's program, you will learn new ways of seeing how to gain genuine, conscious commitment from others in a way that will help deliver quicker, more impactful, predictable, and meaningful outcomes.

The goals for this seminar are to:

  • Create a new level of consciousness about what leaders actually do to inspire and motivate others
  • Start the process of transforming participants into sought-after leaders and change agents at your school
  • Show how to get teams to rally around shared commitments
  • Illuminate new ways of communicating and influencing others
  • Identify and describe specific strategies that "move the needle" on what matters to your school
  • Establish what specific commitments to action are necessary at your institution

Who Should Participate?

The seminar is for individuals at multiple levels of campus leadership, with direct or indirect responsibilities to effect change and deliver results within their home institution. Individuals with either formal or no leadership experience are welcome. This seminar is good for people who are leading teams or departments or who simply must coordinate the actions of others to get things done. Regardless of your level of leadership exposure, you will walk away with new skills and a new way to see possibilities.

The Leadership Seminar requires separate registration. It includes all sessions listed below and a hosted seminar lunch on Tuesday. To register for the Leadership Seminar, you must also register for the ELI Annual Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana.


Part 1

Online: January 10, 2:00–2:30 p.m. (ET)
Free and open to all. Please log in as a guest.

This session will serve as a foundation for the on-site experience. We will introduce the fundamental principles of leadership as it relates to gaining commitment from others to take action, particularly in an academic environment where lines of direct authority and indirect influence are often unclear, if not downright blurry. This online kick-off session is designed to establish a community among those who will be part of the leadership seminar. Specifically, we will:

  • Introduce the fundamental precepts of leadership, management, influence, and results
  • Identify and discuss the kind of leadership challenges the participants are facing in their respective schools
  • Explore what challenges you face when influencing others when you have formal authority versus when you have informal authority
  • Generate excitement about the kind of leadership transformation that will be possible as an outcome of this seminar

Part 2

ELI2018: Monday, January 29, 9:00–11:00 a.m. (CT), Gallerie 1
Leadership Seminar registrants only

We will introduce the Cycle of Commitment, a framework that will help you understand how to better motivate others to take action that produces results. This framework is applicable whether you are the head of a department or someone who must influence without authority. We will explore this framework using highly interactive exercises and somatic understanding to empower you to have an immediate impact when you return to your schools. You will:

  • Learn how leaders inspire and motivate others
  • Understand the three primary ways leaders inadvertently sabotage their own success and how to avoid them
  • Understand the power of creating a mood of ambition on your teams

Part 3

ELI2018: Tuesday, January 30, 11:45 a.m.–1:30 p.m. (CT), Gallerie 1
Leadership Seminar registrants only

In this session, you will leverage the concepts from the previous session, go deeper into the Cycle of Commitment, explore what it takes to ask the right questions, listen for genuine responses, and overcome barriers to action. You will:

  • Learn how to get teams to rally around shared commitments
  • Understand how and when to have the right conversations to gain commitment
  • Raise your standards for what you can expect from yourself and your team
  • Learn how to become a change agent in your school
  • Start to create a personal plan for taking this learning back to your school

Part 4

ELI2018: Wednesday, January 31, 8:00–9:15 a.m. (CT), Gallerie 1
Leadership Seminar registrants only

In this closing session, you will review the collection of knowledge generated and finalize an action plan to apply these strategies at your institution to help you achieve your personal objectives. You will:

  • Review leadership priorities and strategies for "moving the needle" on what matters to your school
  • Reflect on key takeaways
  • Identify your personal next steps for action

Seminar Resources

If desired, you can familiarize yourself with some of the concepts that will be presented in this seminar by reading the following books: