Changing Skills, Roles, and Titles for Instructional Designers in the Data-Informed Learning Experience Landscape

Wednesday, January 31 | 10:15AM–11:00AM CT | Preservation Hall, Second Floor
Session Type: Poster Session
Delivery Format: Poster Session
Instructional designer is a recognized role but we are quickly moving to new titles like learning engineer, learning data scientist, and others, expanding on the traditional role. This session will share the results of a survey and explore what the future may hold for those working to design and develop courses.

Outcomes: Explore the issues, challenges, opportunities, and potential for those working in the learning design and develop fields * Explore the increasingly more collaborative nature of processes required for designing and developing learning experiences * Recognize the emerging roles for those who design and develop learning experiences


  • Lujean Baab

    Sr. Director - Learning Experience Design-TLOS, Virginia Tech
  • Daron Williams

    Director - Instructional Design, Virginia Tech