Collaboration toward a Diagnostic and Refresher Framework for Language Learning in the Liberal Arts

Monday, January 29, 2018 | 2:15PM–3:00PM CT | Preservation Hall, Second Floor
Session Type: Poster Session
Delivery Format: Poster Session
For students of language, assessments are important for proper placement at the college level; diagnostics can also connect students with appropriate refresher content to close gaps in their skills. To address a common need for better online tools, faculty and technologists in the Liberal Arts Consortium for Online Learning (LACOL) are working collaboratively to develop a framework for diagnostics and refreshers that can be adapted for use with several languages. Elements of the framework include a skills map, a self-assessment, diagnostic tests, and a data visualization dashboard. This poster will present current progress in developing the framework.

Outcomes: Discuss the nature of diagnostic data and visualizations that can guide student placement and instruction for language learning * Contribute ideas toward developing a language skills map, banks of diagnostic questions, and a data visualization dashboard as elements of a flexible diagnostic and refresher framework * Consider strategies for multicampus collaboration to realize the individual and collective goals of a shared framework


  • Carly Born

    Academic Technologist for Digital Learning Experiences, Carleton College
  • Liz Evans