Embracing the Challenges and Naysayers in Implementing a Universal Design for Learning Initiative

Wednesday, January 31, 2018 | 8:30AM–9:15AM CT | Galerie 2, Second Floor
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Interactive Presentation
"I don't have the skills, knowledge, or time to implement UDL in my class," or "Sounds good in theory, but it will never work on our campus." How can we effectively and efficiently implement Universal Design for Learning without overwhelming faculty and staff? This session will outline a UDL initiative to enhance student success for diverse learning and life needs using a social justice framework. We will address and problem-solve potential challenges facing the transformation of a campus culture toward embracing inclusive practices. Guidelines and recommendations will be presented for ways to increase buy-in and address such challenges.

Outcomes: Explore a campus-wide UDL initiative as a social justice model that enhances student success for diverse learning and life needs * Address potential challenges and obstacles in implementing UDL and problem solve and share possible solutions * Apply guidelines for creating a campus-wide UDL initiative that embraces the challenges


  • Judy Ableser

    Director, Center for Excellence Teaching and Learning, Associate Prof., Oakland University

Resources & Downloads

  • Educause2018UDLAbleser1

    780 KB, pptx - Updated on 9/7/2024