Getting Hands-On with the Learning Space Rating System - Sponsored learning space design and furniture provided by Steelcase Education, Gold Partner

Wednesday, January 31 | 8:30AM–9:15AM CT | Grand Ballroom - Bissonet, Third Floor
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Hands-On Workshop
The Learning Space Rating System (LSRS) has recently released a new and updated instrument (version 2.0) that can be used to provide an institution with key data on the potential opportunities that a learning space provides to support active learning. As a tool, it can be used not only to evaluate existing spaces but also to guide the design process to focus on what is important. This session will provide hands-on experience using the LSRS on a sample space and promote discussion on how it could be used on your campus.

Outcomes: Discuss the evaluation of learning spaces and how the LSRS can be used to assess the potential of learning spaces to support active learning * Apply the LSRS to an existing space and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using the tool with other participants * Discuss how using the LSRS on your campus can help promote better evaluation and design of learning spaces


  • Adam Finkelstein

    Associate Director, Learning Environments, McGill University

Resources & Downloads

  • SpaceExamplesLSRS

    1 MB, pdf - Updated on 9/7/2024
  • GettingHandsOnwithLSRSfinal

    3 MB, pdf - Updated on 9/7/2024