Hackathons' Impact on Students: Planning, Executing, and Outcomes

Tuesday, January 30, 2018 | 10:15AM–10:45AM CT
Session Type: Poster Session
Delivery Format: Poster Session
Three years ago, we organized our first 24-hour hackathon at Brandeis. Since then, we have hosted nine more, fundamentally changing campus technology culture. When we hear the word "hackathon," we think of 24–48 caffeine-filled hours that conclude with a pitching session of cool, innovative products. What we rarely talk about is the months leading up to the hackathon and the months after. In this session, we invite you to join a conversation about student-run, staff-supported hack events. We will explore models for organizing hackathons from the planning phases, to running the event itself, to postevent impact and outcomes.

Outcomes: Identify and discuss key factors for the successful implementation and support of hackathons in higher education * Create a strategy to build and support hackathons at your institution * Communicate the potentially unexpected impact that a hack event can have on a university community