Higher Education's Digital Future Is Closer Than We Think! - Sponsored by CloudEnablers

Wednesday, January 31 | 8:30AM–9:15AM CT | Grand Ballroom - Acadia, Third Floor
Session Type: Featured Session
Delivery Format: Featured Session
A panel of leading educators will speculate on higher education's digital future. The discussants will consider both the near future (2020s) and more distant future (2030s and beyond). Critical issues examined will include the changing role of college faculty, the ascendency of instructional design and off-the-shelf courses, the role of online education in promoting changes in institutional missions, strategies, and student social class separation. We will specifically examine predictions described in the book Online Education Policy and Practice: The Past, Present, and Future of the Digital University, authored by Anthony G. Picciano, who will co-lead the panel.

Outcomes: Articulate the impact of digital learning on higher ed faculty roles * Understand the impact of new digital technologies on the future of teaching and learning in higher ed * Be able to engage leaders in digital learning evaluation to question and understand what the research indicates regarding the impact of new digital technologies


  • Charles Dziuban

    Director RITE, University of Central Florida
  • Patsy Moskal

    Director, RITE, University of Central Florida
  • Mary Niemiec

    Assoc. VP for Digital Education and Director, University of Nebraska Online, University of Nebraska
  • Tony Picciano

    Professor, The Graduate Center (CUNY)
  • Karen Swan

    Stukel Professor, University of Illinois at Springfield

Resources & Downloads

  • Higher Educations Digital FINAL 010518

    771 KB, pptx - Updated on 9/5/2024