Majority Report: Immersive Learning Is the New Frontier

Tuesday, January 30 | 3:15PM–4:00PM CT | Galerie 4-5, Second Floor
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Interactive Presentation
Millions of virtual reality headsets have entered students' and teachers' homes. Teaching and learning is now possible using 360-degree pictures/videos or 3D models. This presentation will show how immersive learning will modify the way students memorize being engaged through immersed vision/audition and also haptic devices. Feedback from workshops set up in Paris and Singapore will be provided.

Outcomes: Learn the differences between VR and AR and how to generate easy-to-use 360-degree interactive multimedia materials * Explore how immersive learning enhances learning experiences * Get feedback from students and teachers on immersive learning


  • kyle Burnham

    Educational Technologist, Hamilton College
  • Lisa Forrest

  • Thierry Koscielniak

    CSIESR Board - Executive Advisor at Arts et Métiers, CSIESR
  • Ben Salzman

    Instructional Designer & VR/AR Specialist, Hamilton College
  • Chris Zimmermann

    Student, National University of Singapore

Resources & Downloads

  • ImmersiveLearningPresentationHamiltonCollegeELI2018

    1 MB, pdf - Updated on 1/26/2024