Phases of Analytics for Student Success: Results Achieved, Discussions, and Strategic Imperatives That Are Making a Difference - Sponsored by CloudEnablers

Monday, January 29, 2018 | 4:00PM–4:45PM CT | Grand Ballroom - Acadia, Third Floor
Session Type: Featured Session
Delivery Format: Featured Session
Representatives from four institutions will describe their approaches to implementing and using analytics models, sharing examples and outcomes in leveraging data in support of students. During this session, you will learn about various models campuses have used to engage faculty, campus leaders, and advisors in the development and use of predictive models and become familiar with results achieved by using these models to increase retention and completion. Come prepared to participate as we plan to engage the audience for feedback and comments as to their activities and results achieved in this area. We realize approaches in each phase and distinction between phases vary by institution, but we plan to tease out some of these differences via an interactive dialogue and "personal response system" Q&A that we believe will enrich our learning together.


  • Timothy Renick

    Executive Director, National Institute for Student Success, Georgia State University
  • Chris Romano

    Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, Ramapo College of New Jersey
  • Rick Sluder

    Vice Provost for Student Success and Dean of University College, Middle Tennessee State University
  • Paul Thayer

    Associate Vice President for Student Success, Colorado State University

Resources & Downloads

  • Phases of Analytics for Student SuccessPowepoint Presentation Slides

    6 MB, pptx - Updated on 9/5/2024