Presentation Pair: Effective Educational Applications

Tuesday, January 30 | 10:45AM–11:30AM CT | Galerie 2, Second Floor
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Presentation Pair
Comparing the Educational Effectiveness of Real and Virtual Geosciences Lab Exercises
In STEM education, field trips are often critical to learning. While they offer students in situ experiences, they can be cumbersome to arrange. Through a combination of 3D modeling and VR technology, virtual field trips can allow for deeply immersive, yet far more scalable, experiences. In this study, geoscience students experienced either a real or virtual site visit. We assessed the effectiveness of these two distinct yet comparable approaches. We will share both qualitative and quantitative assessment of students' lab performance and experience, as well as individual differences. Session participants will also be able to experience the VR lab.

Outcomes: Compare the educational efficacy of VR and traditional lab exercises * Develop a plan to transform your own in class lab or field activities into VR * Describe efficient workflows for immersive content creation

JUICE: Preliminary Research Results of a Just-in-Time, Skill-Building Platform
After the first year of pilot testing and ongoing efficacy research on student learning impact of the JUICE learning platform and skill-building resources, we will share early indicators and preliminary results on this unique technology-enabled framework and approach. JUICE provides a library of competency-based learning modules that, when aligned and integrated with college assignments, can offer just-in-time and just-enough contextualized academic skill support. The JUICE platform includes publishing tools that, in the future, educators could use to efficiently customize learning content for their students.

Outcomes: Explore the crisis facing college students and working adults due to academic skill gaps * Discuss research results on the impact of JUICE learning modules and personalized platform experience * Evaluate the potential to expand this approach and discipline-specific skills coverage


  • Kathy Jackson

    Adjunct Associate Teaching Professor, The Pennsylvania State University
  • Mary Ann Perry

    Director, FITW JUICE Program, Southern New Hampshire University
  • Jerry Rekart

    AVP of Learning Science & Workforce Insight, Southern New Hampshire University
  • Chris Stubbs

    Manager, Emerging Technology and Media, The Pennsylvania State University

Resources & Downloads

  • ELI18Klippelpresentation

    21 MB, pdf - Updated on 9/5/2024
  • JUICE ELI 2018 Pres 013118

    3 MB, pdf - Updated on 9/5/2024