Virtual Tuesdays: Adding Online Classes to a Traditional Executive MBA Program

Tuesday, January 30, 2018 | 10:00AM–10:45AM CT | Preservation Hall, Second Floor
Session Type: Poster Session
Delivery Format: Poster Session
The executive MBA (EMBA) program at Questrom School of Business has traditionally been an in-person, Boston-based program at Boston University. In an effort to provide more flexibility to busy students, program administrators decided to explore offering virtual classes. Nicknamed "Virtual Tuesdays," these sessions would be fully online, synchronous classes with students attending remotely and faculty teaching at Questrom. Using Zoom as our facilitating software, we have been able to successfully launch our virtual sessions while maintaining the rich cohort experience of our EMBA program.

Outcomes: Understand challenges to creating and launching your own virtual/hybrid class experience * Identify ways to adapt current curriculum to the online or hybrid environment * Identify appropriate technologies for creating online or hybrid classes


  • Rebecca Kessler Williamson

    Project Manager for Digital Learning and the LMS, Boston University

Resources & Downloads

  • poster 11618

    1 MB, pdf - Updated on 9/7/2024