Wednesday, January 31 | 10:15AM–11:00AM CT | Preservation Hall, Second Floor
Session Type:
Poster Session
Delivery Format:
Poster Session
Faculty members now have a new window into student reading challenges, and a technology-enabled solution to alleviate the trouble spots. Regardless of modality, discipline, and level, our faculty report learning improvements related to the course readings. A new (and free) web-based platform allows faculty to upload almost any text for students to read and annotate. Their annotations can be public to groups within class, or private for their own learning/study needs. When annotations are "public," students respond to one another's comments/questions. Back-end analytics provide faculty with detailed reports indicating where the students are achieving good comprehension and where confusion is rampant.
Outcomes: Explore the functionality of a new web-based tool that alleviates common student learning obstacles associated with reading * Discuss the benefits of social media in augmenting student reading practices * Pilot a sophisticated and free teaching and learning tool that provides learning analytics for student annotations of text
Matt Lewis
Instructional Design and Multimedia Manager, City University of New York
Tori Mondelli
Director, Teaching for Learning Center, University of Missouri