ELI Course | Adaptive Learning Systems: Evaluating and Implementing the Right One (for You)

This interactive presentation will explore challenges and opportunities to consider when evaluating and implementing adaptive learning systems. We will outline the issues and share practical examples from our implementation experience with flipped classes at Arizona State University. Participants will evaluate possible opportunities to use adaptive learning systems in their own institutions along with modes. Facilitators will share implementation models, implementation costs, and other resource implications.

Learning Objectives

During this ELI course, participants will:

  • Understand adaptive systems and terminology
  • Identify challenges and opportunities with adaptive learning systems
  • Analyze the costs and benefits of adaptive learning systems
  • Create a plan for implementing and evaluating an adaptive learning system in your organization

NOTE: Participants will be asked to complete assignments in between the course segments that support the learning objectives stated below and will receive feedback and constructive critique from course facilitators on how to improve and shape their work.

Course Facilitator

Dale Johnson

Dale Johnson, Adaptive Program Manager, Arizona State University

Dale manages the adaptive general education program for EdPlus at ASU.  He works closely with faculty, staff and vendors to develop and implement adaptive courseware that will help improve the student success rate in key introductory courses.  Dale studied architecture at ASU and public policy at Harvard, a learning path that combined his interests in design, engineering, history and policy.  In his spare time, he enjoys traveling and building: he’s traveled to more than 30 countries, lived in Barcelona for a year, and built his own solar home in Phoenix.