
Course Activity and Digital Badge

Each registered participant will develop one activity that employs various concepts and strategies introduced in the course. Participants will be asked to complete assignments in between the course segments that support the learning objectives and will receive feedback and constructive critique from the facilitator on how to improve and shape their work. Those registered participants that successfully complete the entire activity will receive an EDUCAUSE digital badge recognizing their accomplishment.

Schedule and Activities

Session 1: Understanding adaptive systems & terminology

May 10, 2017, 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. ET; convert to your time zone.

We will review and discuss the systems and terminology used to describe adaptive systems.

Session Activity

  • We will start by reviewing the reasons why adaptive systems are helpful to students and instructors. Then we will discuss terminology to describe how they work and what the student experience is like in different disciplines. After the session, participants will research what adaptive systems might already exist on their campus to create a resource for future reference.

Session 2: Challenges and opportunities with adaptive learning systems

May 17, 2017, 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. ET; convert to your time zone.

We will identify and discuss challenges and opportunities with adaptive learning systems.

Session Activity

  • This session will focus on the “ecosystem” necessary to get the maximum value from an adaptive system. We will review aspects such as pedagogy, systems, course development, faculty, facilities, and evaluation metrics. Participants will use the information to identify opportunities for using adaptive learning systems at their institution.

Session 3: Analyze the benefits and costs of adaptive learning systems

May 24, 2017, 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. ET; convert to your time zone.

We will review and analyze the benefits and costs of adaptive learning systems.

Session Activity

  • We will review the results and investments in adaptive projects at ASU and elsewhere. The discussion will then focus on defining your adaptive courseware mission, objectives, strategy and tactics.  Participants will use this information to create a plan for implementing and evaluating an adaptive learning system in their organization.