Enterprise Applications: Negotiating the Best Software and Implementation Deals

Wednesday, March 27 | 1:00PM–1:45PM ET | Room 553 AB
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Presentation or Panel Session
With budget constraints, increased scrutiny on spend, and the importance of successfully executing projects, it is critical for universities to ensure they secure the most optimal cloud and implementation agreements. Though vendors constantly insist that your deal is competitive, it’s impossible to truly know you have a best-in-class agreement without reliable third-party pricing and commercial term data. In this session, Janet O’Brien, Boston University Senior Associate Vice President of the IS&T Applications and Enterprise Services Group, will share experiences working with UpperEdge, the leading IT negotiation advisory firm, to secure a best-in-class agreement with Salesforce for their software and system implementation services. UpperEdge Commercial Advisory Practice Leader Adam Mansfield will join Janet to share insights into the key success factors for any enterprise application and system implementation negotiation, as well as cover the details of Boston University’s experience negotiating with Salesforce.


  • Adam Mansfield

    Commercial Advisory Practice Leader, UpperEdge
  • Janet O'Brien

    Senior Associate Vice President, IS&T, Boston University

Resources & Downloads

  • Enterprise Applications Negotiating the Best Software and Implementation Deals

    Updated on 9/10/2024