HECVAT 2024 Updates

Thursday, May 02 | 4:15PM–5:00PM CT | Nicollet Ballroom D, First Floor
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Presentation/Panel Session
The higher education information security community, the HECVAT working group, and others have collaborated for over seven years to build the successful HECVAT, with over 170 campuses using it. Our session this year will go over the HECVAT 2024 work plan, future plans for sustainability, scope creep discussion, and ask for your input into where to develop HECVAT in the future to benefit the higher education community. We also have heard clearly that more training and documentation are needed and are starting a working group on it this year. We want to hear your thoughts on what is needed and how it could be developed. We’ll also go over where we need you to get involved to build more resources for the community and the service providers that support us.


  • Josh Callahan

    Chief Information Security Officer, California State University, Office of the Chancellor
  • Charlie Escue

    Information Security Manager, Indiana University
  • Nick Lewis

    Program Manager, Security and Identity, Internet2

Resources & Downloads

  • Presentation 1

    Updated on 5/2/2024